Monday, October 21, 2013

Kayak Locker and other updates

There was a "Ribbon Cutting" for a new kayak locker at the new launch under Rochester Road.  I missed the actual ceremony and have not had a chance to get over there and check it out in person, but from an earlier trip down this year I know you can pretty much drive right down to the river for launching and loading.  The rack will make it a nice place where you can lock your boat with a cable while you run shuttle.

A big thanks to the City of Rochester for doing this and the Clinton River Watershed Council for getting it going and making it happen.  There was a public meeting a month or so ago in Utica at the library where the CRWC hosted an open discussion of the Clinton River in regard to access and safety.  A lot of good suggestions were made.  People are concerned with safety on the river and there were suggestions to put signs at the popular put-in spots.  The signs would remind people to wear their Personal Flotation Devices (PFD's) / Life Jackets and to alert them that by law you must have one in possession.  (wear it though please, hard to put it on when you are swimming down the river or into a log jam!) 

Whether you are on the MCR or any other river, please also respect the river and surrounding land.  Please don't leave any trash and try to pick some up and take it out when you are out there.  Many sections of the land on the river banks is in the flood plain and probably public but a lot of it is private too.  Occasionally there comes a need to go ashore, maybe for a portage or to rest your legs, please respect all the land as if it were your own.  I have not heard of any problems in this area but recently in Texas a man was shot and killed on a sandbar by a landowner who was tired of people accessing his land via the river.  My opinion is the landowner had no right to use deadly force to evict someone from his land and I would hope it never comes to this in MI, but be aware that not everyone appreciates trespassers! 

Enough of that, get out and enjoy the river.  This week the weather won't be so great, but with the rainy weather it really makes the colors look better against wet dark tree trunks!  Colors in the area should start peaking this week and the levels are staying decent. 

Here are a few pictuers from the past week.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

This was adjusted!

This probably was not adjusted!

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